Info on the New Delta Tau Delta Tau Chapter Scholarship Program

Greetings Brothers!

Starting now, we have created a new, yearly Scholarship fund called the Delta Tau Delta Tau Chapter Scholarship Program. The last e-letter provided the first notification to all but if you did not receive the e-letter, please be aware of this wonderful new way that we can assist your student!

In 2023, there will be a total of up to 4 one-time Penn State scholarships available in the amount of $5,000 each awarded every fall to a person pursuing an undergraduate or graduate degree who has attained the level of Sophomore or above and is a lineal descendent of a Tau Chapter alumnus. The number and size of scholarships may be changed by the Tau Company board. We are looking to reward those individuals who have demonstrated strong leadership, academics, and service to those around them and their community.

The scholarships will be awarded based on a vote of the Tau Company Scholarship Committee. The committee will be comprised of three individuals appointed by the Tau Company board. The decision of the committee is final and will be based on the candidate meeting the eligibility requirements and the submission of an essay detailing their work history, educational goals, service to their community, and personal need.

Applications must be received by June 30th of each year to be considered. The criteria for being awarded a scholarship is as follows:

  1.  A lineal descendent of Tau Delt, Penn State University.
  2.  Currently enrolled in a degree program at Penn State University, World Campus or affiliated Branch Campuses.
  3.  Have attained the level of Sophomore or above. (Will have completed Freshman year).
  4.  Have a current GPA of 2.5 or above based on a 4.0 scale.
  5.  Has provided details of any volunteer or community service.
  6.  Submits two letters of recommendation from someone regarding your academics, work and/or community service.
  7.  Provides a written essay detailing why the committee should award a scholarship to you. Showcase your personality, community service, originality, and academics.

Contact me for the application form at 484-947-8817 or email me at [email protected].

Please take advantage of this new Scholarship!
Take care all,

John Thorsen,
Class of 1986/AE